
7 Successful Japanese Anti- Aging Secrets to Look 20 Years Younger

2- Don’t forget collagen

Experienced Japanese women announced that collagen is the factory of youth and vitality. Why collagen indeed? Collagen plays an essential huge role in our look. It is one kind of fibrous protein. It makes up about 30 % of protein in the human body which is an amazing issue!

Collagen provides our skin with elasticity, replaces the dead skin cells in the body. It is well – known that 1 gram of collagen type 1 fibrils are stronger than 1 gram of steel.

Since the body’s collagen production begins to decline after the age of 25.

It is advisable to keep the levels of collagen in your food regularly to prevent the weakness of the body’s fibers that showed degenerative ageing effects. Be assuring that your skincare products contain enough quantities of collagen, also always add collagen to your diet to look pretty and clear.

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