Today’s recipe is Green broccoli patties slightly modified to the gluten free version. Don’t worry it’s as good as the original you won’t miss out anything.
Mnoho mužov čelí problémom so sexuálnym zdravím, čo môže mať významný dopad na ich sebavedomie a vzťahy. Pre tých, ktorí hľadajú riešenia, existujú rôzne možnosti, vrátane tých, ktoré umožňujú kupit premarin online. Informácie a produkty sú dostupné na stránkach ako, kde si môžete prečítať viac o tom, ako sa vysporiadať s týmito ťažkosťami.
Here we go, you will need:
• 1/4kg. Broccoli
• 1\2 cup of plant milk
• 1 onion, small, chopped
• 1 tsp baking powder
• 2 tbsp. flax seeds and 3 tbsp. water (or 2 eggs works as well)
• 2 tbsp. vegan cheese (or feta)
• 2 tbsp. buckwheat flour
• plant butter or oil
first, start with mixing all ingredients to form a dough then let it rest for a half hour. Now, Form the dough into patties in small rounded shapes. Finally use a pan to cook the patties with oil or plant butter. Each side won’t take more than a few minutes.
Green broccoli patties

Today’s recipe is Green broccoli patties slightly modified to the gluten free version. Don’t worry it’s as good as the original you won’t miss out anything.
- 1/4 kg. Broccoli
- 1 2 cup of plant milk
- 1 onion (small, chopped)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 tbsp. flax seeds and 3 tbsp. water (or 2 eggs works as well)
- 2 tbsp. vegan cheese (or feta)
- 2 tbsp. buckwheat flour
- plant butter or oil
- first, start with mixing all ingredients to form a dough then let it rest for a half hour. Now, Form the dough into patties in small rounded shapes. Finally use a pan to cook the patties with oil or plant butter. Each side won’t take more than a few minutes.
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